May 10, 2011

FAQ's about Fire Jon Gruden

We here at Fire Jon Gruden like FAQ’s. We think the FAQ has been replaced by long form paragraphs of, well, FAQ’s minus the question and answer format which makes FAQ’s so easy to read. So, our first post will be our primer post on what Fire Jon Gruden is all about. Welcome and enjoy (we hope!)

What’s Fire Jon Gruden about?

We are calling for ESPN to give us, the viewer, less air time of Jon Gruden. We think he is sorta terrible. OK, we think he is really terrible.

Why not just call the blog Less Air Time for Jon Gruden?

We know he pulled down some serious coin coaching in the NFL and is doing fine. We don't feel bad (well we kinda do) asking ESPN to gas him...but it's more of a systemic problem. ESPN has lots of Jon Gruden's running around as does S.I, etc. So really, we're just annoyed sports fans and we're taking out our anger on Jon Gruden. It’s the AMERICAN way!

Fire Jon Gruden doesn’t exactly roll off the tongue does it?

Um, no. Trust us, our marketing sensibilities and advertising career backgrounds were offended as well. Plus it's just like Fire Joe Morgan minus the fact that this blog will suck compared to FJM. We're not going to be FJM because we have no talent. Like Jon Gruden.Insert ironic twist here.

What’s with the site design? It’s kinda weak.


So, how come it’s weak?

Oh. Well, we decided it would be better to just get our thoughts up and worry about design later. Besides, the design and aesthetics would take a long time and we would rather spend the time writing about sports or playing Tiger Woods PGA Tour 12 on Xbox.

Why Jon Gruden and not Fire Herm Edwards?

Honestly it was a coin flip. We couldn’t decide who was worse. Both are pretty terrible so we left it up to chance. Gruden lost or won depending on how you look at it. 

Specifically, what is it that you don’t like about Jon Gruden?

Geez how much time do you have? The guy is just terrible. From the ‘pissing intensity’ stare to the fact that he defaults to everything in life revolving around the quarterback position to his G.I. Joe, gung-ho, ‘This is a FOOTBALL player’ mentality that just drives us bonkers. He was an average coach who has been propelled to the top of the ESPN football heap to dispense his vast football knowledge for reasons we are not sure of. Just because you were a coach or former player who can speak coherently doesn’t mean you are suited to be on my tv talking to me about football. We live in a sports entertainment culture that doesn’t vet personalities very well and we’re pretty tired of that.

Why don’t you just change the channel whenever Gruden is on?

Because that wouldn’t be a lot of fun. Irritation, frustration, and overall general disapproval (all fantastic human emotions btw) will fuel this blog and we embrace those feelings. Jon Gruden, football commentator and analyst, is terrible. But so terrible we just can’t avert our eyes or ears. Must. Keep. Watching. Eyes and ears. Bleeding. Arrrgggggghhhhhh.

You have a lot of issues. I’m not sure this is such a good idea.

Probably not.